Men who experience erectile hardness is not optimal (EHS 1-3) tend to feel embarrassed, and did not know that erection problems can be treated. Generally he was still able to have sex, even though the performance is less than the maximum and could have an impact on sexual and personal relationships.
Prof. Dr. Dr. Wimpie Pangkahila, spand, FAACS, said that the public is not educated and it is easy to believe the ads. Finally, instead of seeking professional treatment, men who have problems with erections actually increases the size of his penis.
"The solution is proper education. Consultation is important, because most erection problems related to physical illness (90 percent) and not just because of psychological," says Prof. Wimpie talk about erection hardness in some time ago.
According to Prof. Wimpie, penis size is not a major issue, but most importantly is the ability to control erection and ejaculation. If there are problems, do the treatment right away if you want sex couples mutually satisfied.
Do check with the consultation
Men with erectile problems have to do the examination properly. Consultation to be the first step. The issue is not optimal erection could be due to erectile dysfunction (ED) or other sexual disorders. Not necessarily a man with a scale of 2 (like bananas) then said to DE. It could also be due to impaired libido for example, explained Prof. Wimpie. With consultation, the man can learn more deeply about erection problems. So that will be known to the appropriate treatment. Is located on libido or erection on a scale that needs to be increased again.
Find out why
Having found the correct diagnosis of erectile problems, then what the cause could be traced. Whether hormonal disturbance, the influence of drugs, or psychological problems. From this evaluation will be held to address the cause.
Medical aid
Medication can help an erection, but must remain with a doctor's prescription. If need viagra, verify with a doctor's prescription. Course through prior consultation to receive proper treatment. PDE5 inhibitors are drugs that are made specifically for the treatment of erectile dysfunction. Oral therapy in the 1990's is also a treatment for men with ED complaints.
From the experimental treatment of ED in Asia, 80 percent of men able to increase the satisfaction of sexual relationships. Meanwhile, 77 percent of women felt satisfied, relieved after their partner erection problems. (In the quotation from the Daily, June 27, 2010).
11 How to Prevent Erectile Dysfunction
JAKARTA, - Erectile dysfunction (ED) is a common disorder that occurs among elderly men. However, this disorder is actually not part of the normal aging process. Then, how can you avoid it? Here are 11 tips to prevent the occurrence of ED:
1. Watch what you eat
Poor diet resulted in decreased ability of man to erection. Research has shown that poor diet can cause heart attacks by inhibiting blood flow in the arteries. The lack of intake of fruits and vegetables and eat fatty food craze and processed food can inhibit blood flow to the penis.
"Everything that is not good for a man's heart is also bad for the penis," says Andrew McCullough, MD, Clinical Professor of Urology and Director of Program Male Sexual Health at New York University Langone Medical Center.
Recent research indicates, ED is relatively rare in those who give priority to the Mediterranean diet of fruits, vegetables, grains, and heart friendly foods like nuts, olive oil, fish, and wine.
"The relationship between Mediterranean diet and sexual function have been proved scientifically," says Irwin Goldstein, MD, director of sexual medicine at Alvarado Hospital in San Diego.
2. Maintaining an ideal weight
Being overweight brings many health problems, including type 2 diabetes, which can cause damage to nerves throughout the body that affects the penis.
3. Avoid increase in blood pressure and cholesterol
High cholesterol or high blood pressure can damage blood vessels, including vessels carrying blood to the penis. Finally, it may cause ED.
Make sure you check koresterol and blood pressure regularly or you can buy blood pressure monitors are also sold for home use. But be careful, blood pressure-lowering drugs can make it hard erections. However, doctors say many cases of ED associated with the drug actually caused damage to the arteries due to hypertension.
4. Drinking alcohol moderation or not at all.
"There is no evidence to suggest moderation of alcohol consumption is bad for erectile function," says Sharlip But consuming large amounts of alcohol can cause liver damage, nerve damage, and conditions that can cause ED.
5. Regular exercise.
Research shows, a healthy lifestyle can prevent erectile dysfunction. Sports such as: running, swimming, and other forms of aerobic exercise can help prevent ED.
However, caution against excessive exercise that puts pressure on the perineum, which is the area between the scrotum and the anus. Goldstein said, "Cycling can cause ED."
Cycling short distances may not matter. But people who spend a lot of time cycling must ensure they use proper, padded cycling shorts, and often stand while pedaling.
6. Do not rely on Kegel
One form of exercise that does not seem useful is the Kegel exercises, which causes contraction and relaxation of the pelvic floor muscles repeatedly. Kegel exercises can help men and women with incontinence (unable to hold urine). But there is no evidence that they prevent erectile dysfunction.
7. Maintain levels of testosterone
Even in healthy men, testosterone levels are often decreased sharply at the age of 50 years. Every year after age 40 years, male testosterone levels usually fall around 1.3%.
Wapadalah on symptoms such as low sex drive, moodiness, lack of stamina, or difficulty making decisions because it may be your lack of testosterone.
8. Avoid anabolic steroids.
The drugs, which are often misused by athletes and bodybuilders, can shrink the testicles and reduce the ability to produce testosterone.
9. Stop smoking
Smoking can damage blood vessels and restrict blood flow to the penis. Nicotine triggers the blood vessels, which can impede blood flow to the penis.
10. Avoid risky sex
Some cases of erectile dysfunction from injury to the penis that occurs during sexual activity. To prevent injury to the penis, do it after making sure the penetration of the vagina well lubricated. Make sure your penis does not slip out of the vagina so that you will not be hit hard body parts. If your partner moves in such a way that hurt your penis, do not bend, but immediately asked the couple to stop the action. If the couple is doing the position of "woman on top" and move downward, while the penis does not enter the vagina, the excess burden would "hurt" penis. "
11. Control stress.
Stress caused by psychological factors can increase the levels of the hormone adrenaline, which makes blood vessels contract. That could be bad news for an erection. Whatever can be done to relieve his stress and feel an emotional connection is running fine, then it can help his sex life
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